Sunday Morning Worship
Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
We warmly invite you and your family to join us as we exalt Christ in song, expository preaching, and fellowship.
We offer a traditional style of worship with a mixture of both new and time-honored hymns. Our simple style of singing accompanied by piano, violin, and organ facilitates worship focused on Christ and preparing hearts to hear the spoken Word of God.
During Sunday morning church service (10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.), there are two options for young children:
Nursery - A caring staff and a well-equipped, clean nursery are available during Sunday School and Sunday Morning Worship for infants through age 3.
Children’s Church is for ages 3 through first grade. Children engage in Bible lessons, songs, and activities promoting Christian faith and living. Children participate in the morning worship service with their parents and move to their respective classrooms just before the sermon.
Children are always welcome to worship with their parents in any of our services.
Sermon Livestreams
Each Sunday at 11 a.m., we livestream our sermon to Facebook, Sermon Audio, and YouTube.
Ministries at CBC
Questions about our ministries?
Please reach out to us through the contact form. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible!